CAP Consulting Group grew out of a
desire among the partners to
transfer the best practices of the
venture capital world to the growth
efforts of corporate businesses.
Venture capital is characterized by
its high risk, high return business
model and requires skills that
balance risk taking and risk
mitigation. It places bold bets but
remains flexible to adaptation:

almost 20 years we have introduced
this approach to corporate business
development managers, new venture
groups, new product development
teams and R&D departments in small
and very large companies in the
U.S., Europe and Australia.
Since the
operating style of established
companies is characterized by
predictive, linear planning, it can
be challenging for clients to adopt
the iterative, exploratory approach
that sustained growth requires. But
when they do, the effect can be
Individual managers become more open
to risk and to exploring growth
Management feels more connected to
development projects.
alignment between the two becomes
more productive with clearer
investment decisions, accelerated
development and a higher success
rate in the market.
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